Starting Off the New Year :: Planning Your Ideal Week


Before the Christmas holidays, I had a one-on-one meeting with my boss. We talked about goals for the upcoming year. My boss recently began using a planner called the Full Focus Planner which helps him plan his “ideal week.” This intrigued me.

He said this planner is very helpful in planning, helping him to stay on task, and be more organized. These are all things that I love to do and try to do. 

Creating Your Ideal Week

My boss had some extra copies, so I decided to try it out. One section in the planner tells you to create your ideal week. I hadn’t really thought about this before, as I have so much on my plate. There is generally not much time for me to do anything I would consider “ideal.” 

New Year’s Goals

I only make New Year’s goals, because I don’t like the term “resolutions.” These goals include spending time daily in Bible study and getting back into an exercise routine. If I am intentional about putting these on my schedule, they’re be more likely to get done, instead of hoping they happen organically.

Another thing I want to do is spend more time with friends. Whether it is grabbing coffee before I head to work, squeezing in a lunch date or having a late dinner, my girlfriends mean the world to me. It does my heart and soul good to spend time with them. 

I also try to leave in 30 minutes to an hour at bedtime to watch an episode of my current shows: The Office, The Crown, and The Morning Show

Making It Happen

With this planner, I can make my list of goals for each week, then segment them into each day. While this sounds great, my schedule changes daily, so I have to allow for some flexibility.

My Mondays through Fridays include time in the office, meetings, interviews, school carpool, kids’ activities of gymnastics and basketball, making meals, paying bills, doing laundry, and all the other things I have to fit into my day. 

Saturdays include Zumba in the morning, followed by family time, meal planning, and basketball games. 

Sundays include church, family time, grocery pickup, and getting things ready for the week ahead. 

So Far, So Good!

I’ve been doing great on my Bible study so far, started going back to group exercise classes at the YMCA (as well as doing some additional days at home), and have several dates on the calendar booked with my girls. Progress!

I think it’s important that we as moms make sure we are intentional about taking time for ourselves. The saying is: “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” That is so true. The more you fill yourself up, the more you have to pour out to others. And that’s what I’m planning to do. 

Check out these links for further organization inspiration:

How about you? How do you organize your life–what works for you? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!