Birmingham Mom Collective :: Introducing Ashley S.



I have lived in Alabama the longest I have lived anywhere, almost 20 years! I moved here from Maryland to attend the University of Alabama, then I moved to Birmingham when I graduated. I have seen Birmingham change so much in the last 20 years. So much has changed, which has been incredible to see; we love the food scene in Birmingham! There are so many great places popping up all the time & we love finding new places & going to old favorites. Being a mom in Birmingham is great because we get the benefits of being in a big city, like concerts and downtown life, but with the small town feel of the suburbs. One of my favorite things about Birmingham is how philanthropic the city is and how many great events there are to attend with my family while supporting causes that I love. 


I am mom to a two-year old girl named Anne Rawlins. She is our miracle blessing baby. We went through several pregnancy losses, failed adoptions, five failed IUIs, and then finally IVF right as the pandemic began. That in itself was a wild ride! I truly had no idea how much motherhood would change me until it happened.

After being pregnant, giving birth, exclusively pumping for eight months, and now raising a toddler, I am amazed beyond belief by women! We are truly incredible. Motherhood changed everything about me and made my world brighter. However, that didn’t come without its own challenges like postpartum depression/anxiety, dealing with the biggest change in my marriage of 12 years (having a baby) and the huge transition in my own life. Mom-life is amazing but also really hard, and I don’t think we talk about the hard enough. But, dang she is cute! 


I am so excited to be part of this group of successful, amazing moms in Birmingham! I am excited to share my perspective of going through infertility treatments and being a working mother, as well as balancing volunteering and relationships that are important to me. I am passionate about helping mothers organize and plan to help lessen the mental load we often carry as the managers of our homes/families.