Help for the Mom Battling Burnout


Busy, Busy, Busy

Let’s be honest, Mamas. We were doing too much before COVID – hello, the invisible workload of motherhood; all that other stuff we do to ensure our household runs smoothly, like getting kids ready for school, baths, and bedtime routines; scheduling doctor and dentist appointments; and registering for summer camp and such. Now, almost a year after life as we once knew it came to a screeching halt, we have even more tacked on to our already overflowing to-do lists. Lines and roles remain blurred as many of us still don the teacher, hairstylist, childcare provider, and COVID-detector positions. I know I can’t be the only parent asking my three, “Can you still smell and taste?” every time a cough escapes their lips.

For the mom battling burnout - too many responsibilities to manage

We’re All Exhausted

As the pandemic wears on, we are growing more and more tired. There’s a word for this seemingly unshakeable fatigue. It’s burnoutmommy burnout, to be exact. Burnout is a term typically used in the health care setting. I’m sure you’ve seen the headlines which read something like, Front line workers increasingly facing burnout as COVID cases continue to rise. Well, I don’t think it’s just health care workers who are burning out amid the pandemic. Moms are, too.

We are beyond tired, irritable and on edge, impatient, unmotivated, plagued by brain fog, and filled with angst about what’s to come. With burnout, we have heightened emotional responses. We find ourselves quickly losing our temper nearly every day. We yell more frequently at our children, raging because we feel so out of control. We are unable to decide to what to cook for dinner or we’re disinterested in helping our children with their school assignments.

It may look like sleeping later in the mornings but too keyed up to rest at night or being unable to muster the energy to exercise or engage in other self-care activities. We cry because we miss our friends, our family, and vacation. It feels like there is no reprieve, no escape – just the endless drudgery and more of the same. All of this is mommy burnout – relentless, unshakeable burnout.

Help for the mom battling burnout - burnout can be a precursor to depression.

Unpacking Burnout

Burnout is a state of physical and mental exhaustion caused by chronic stress.

There are three primary components of burnout:

  • Exhaustion – physical, emotional, and mental fatigue such that you believe you have nothing left to give
  • Depersonalization – feeling detached and disconnected from others
  • Lack of a sense of accomplishment – absence of personal achievement, feeling ineffective and unproductive

Signs of burnout include:

  • Tired
  • Poor sleep
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Mood swings
  • Physical symptoms
  • Isolation
  • Negative attitude
  • Decreased productivity
  • Poor self-care
  • Sense of personal failure

Help for the mom battling burnout - signs

These signs are not unique to work but also reflect what we experience as parents. We may miss it if we’re not careful, chalking it up to being a bad parent which only piles on the mommy guilt. But we are not horrible parents. We are simply burned out.

How to Fight Burnout

  1. Create boundaries. – Work-life boundaries have melded together during the pandemic, especially if you’re working from home. Make the decision not to answer work emails or take work calls outside of work hours; or if that isn’t feasible for you, put a hard time limit on those work tasks that fall outside of traditional work hours. Perhaps that looks like spending one hour at the end of the workday to complete items.
  2. Prioritize rest and sleep. – Find time for leisure activities that you enjoy. Find a good book to read, take a walk and get some fresh air, create daily time for prayer, journal, or check out Bridgerton on Netflix (it’s all the rage, ladies). Do your best to get 7 – 8 hours of restful sleep every night. Sleep is restorative and is good for your physical and mental health.
  3. Plan your escape. – No, I don’t mean run off to Fiji with your love, although this sounds absolutely delightful. What about a staycation alone at a local hotel? Perhaps an overnight stay or long weekend by yourself for a mental reset. Have your partner keep the kids. If you are a single parent, maybe a family member or friend who has quarantined or tested negative for COVID can watch your children to give you a needed reprieve.
  4. Talk it out. – Being open and honest with a close friend can be quite helpful. If the tendency is to keep our emotions bottled up inside, then they may spill out unchecked as pressure continues to mount. This can lead to heated arguments and feeling out of control. Avoid this by sharing the tough stuff. Our friends love us and can offer emotional support and thoughtful advice to get us through challenges. Also consider scheduling a therapy appointment. Therapists are a vital resource for when we are facing difficult times as well as for the treatment of mental disorders. Therapy works. We are not alone in this battle.
  5. Watch for depression. – Burnout is not the same as depression, though there is some overlap in symptoms. However, burnout can be a precursor for depression. If you find that your mood is persistently sad or irritable for at least two weeks (more than exhaustion) and you feel hopeless or worthless, you might be experiencing depression. If you are contemplating suicide, get help IMMEDIATELY. Tell a loved one, call 911, call your doctor, go the nearest emergency room, or call the National Suicide Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
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Leesha E
Originally from North Carolina, Dr. Leesha says that her husband, Kenneth, dragged her to Birmingham, kicking and screaming. Now, ten years later, she is proud to call this hidden gem her home. She and Kenneth have been married for almost 17 years and have 3 beautiful, energetic children that keep their lives busy and fulfilling. Dr. Leesha is a double board certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist. She spends her days treating kids and adults with mental illness while juggling marriage, motherhood, and her Dr. Leesha brand. She has a heart for moms, parenting, faith, and mental health and blogs regularly about these topics. Here's to happy, healthy moms raising happy, healthy children.