Birmingham When I was eight, my parents relocated our family from Montgomery to Birmingham. In 2006, I found myself in a whirlwind summer romance with a Navy guy. We married later that fall, so then I left home as a...
Birmingham While dating my now-husband James, I made frequent trips between Auburn and Birmingham to visit his family or go to a show. Birmingham had a beauty to it that became comfortably familiar, as James drove me around sharing memories...
Birmingham Life has thrown me a surprise party. I am a born Michigander who never imagined I’d marry a Texan and then raise children in the South. I am here for the celebration! I grew up in a small lake community...
Birmingham Well, Birmingham, it’s been 4 years and I haven’t quite found my place. One thing I have learned throughout my time here is that building community is important. I’m a transplant to Birmingham by way of Louisville, Kentucky. Although...
Birmingham I was born and raised in Hueytown, AL and have lived in Alabama most of my life (minus my medical school years, which were spent in Erie, PA). It’s so true that you don’t miss a good thing ‘til...
We are so excited to announce our Fall Park Hop Series presented by Oak Mountain Pediatric Dentistry! Meet us at the playground this Fall for our Park Hop Series with Birmingham Mom Collective! Let your kids enjoy the outdoors while...
  Birmingham Mom Collective has been around for a long time and is home to so many incredible women. Some have been around for years, and others are just starting their journey with BMC. Last month we welcomed our newest...
Birmingham I have lived in Birmingham all my life! Being born and raised in the Magic City has been a great experience. I like to describe Birmingham as a place that provides a ton of southern hospitality but is a...
Birmingham I am originally from Alexander City, Alabama, so I was always familiar with Birmingham growing up. I moved to Birmingham after attending The University of Alabama in 2012, where I began my nursing career at Children's of Alabama. After...
Birmingham I have lived in Alabama the longest I have lived anywhere, almost 20 years! I moved here from Maryland to attend the University of Alabama, then I moved to Birmingham when I graduated. I have seen Birmingham change so...

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In + Around Birmingham

Guide to Vacation Bible Schools in Birmingham

Many of us on the BMC team have fond memories of Vacation Bible School. Often, this is a great way to get your kids...
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