
Alyson S

Alyson S

My Postpartum Health Journey :: Where I’ve Been and Where I’m Headed

Welcome! I am so glad you have an opportunity to join me on my adventure in postpartum health and wellness. Since having my son eight months ago, my body has changed significantly. I’m perpetually...

Tips for Moms Who Travel for Work

When I became pregnant, one of the first questions I received was “Are you going to continue working?” My answer to this question was always a clear and simple, “Yes.” I have known since...

From Husband to Father :: Reflections on my Journey to Becoming a Dad

Today our contributor Alyson's husband, Sean, shares reflections on his fatherhood journey and the love and laughter his son Parker has brought to his life. We wish you a wonderful first Father's Day, Sean! For the weekend...

Something Special :: A Tribute to the Therapists Who Care for My Son

My alma mater, Western Michigan University, is known for several great health and human services programs. The school produces an abundance of successfully employed occupational, speech, and physical therapists. While in school, I stayed...

Birmingham Moms Blog :: Introducing Alyson

Birmingham My husband and I moved to Birmingham in July of 2013. I graduated college from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan two weeks prior to our move and had recently returned from studying abroad...
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